Thursday, October 22, 2009

Pics of the Middle East

For those of you hoping to see some spectacular desert sunsets, camel racing, mosques, oases, or other such stereotypical Middle Eastern fare, you'll have to wait for another blog.

This one includes some of the more humorous things I've seen since arriving. Do the pictures speak for themselves? Perhaps. In case they don't, I've added a few comments.

When I met Kimberly, I pretty much decided to spend most of my spare time with her. That included the once-daily hour I normally spent in the gym. So, yeah, I'm a little out of shape. I also remembered my weight gain of my first six months in Saudi. Heat, meat/rice meals, and the generally sedentary atmosphere of the Gulf will put 20 pounds on just about anybody. In Abu Dhabi, I promised myself I'd do a much better job. I thought about joining a gym (for those of you who followed my blogs elsewhere, you'll realize the gym is as much about blogging material as it is about fitness) as I imagined the fashion sense I might have seen in a gym filled with European expats and Middle Eastern men. It would have been AWESOME!!!

But with this...why bother going to the gym. I took the picture and decided to blog about the box.

Seriously. With the woman in the neon blue one-sy and the child molester in the short-shorts, who wouldn't want to buy this fantastic piece of equipment (note to Mom and Dad - this is sarcasm. Please do not read this as a suggestion to purchase this for your basement full of exercise equipment cum laundry hangers. The 1980s Soloflex is sufficient for both).

There's a giant Carrefour in Abu Dhabi. It's kind of like a Super Wal-Mart, though I haven't seen any of these people there. Groceries, carpets, appliances...and lots and lots of cheap clothing.

Apparently, people looking to buy such cheap clothing are not at all concerned with the fact that a) they're in Abu Dhabi, not Dubai; b) that it's not really a falcon on the shirt, but a Bald Eagle; and 3) that this majestic bird is a symbol of ole' fashioned American pride, not the precious bird of Arab (grammar police: in English, we either say "the Arab" or "Arabia". "Precious Bird of Arab" doesn't make much sense. But, then again, neither does this shirt...)

Some things do not transliterate well from other languages into English. "Saloon" is for drinking. "Salon" is for haircuts...and generally for women. Although in my more metro-days I may have gone to a Salon or two. And most certainly several Saloons.

I'd never tried a Moroccan Saloon, though, and was curious.

Notice the second line down. Golden Facial.

Not exactly a Golden Shower, but enough to make me nervous about stepping foot inside...

Lastly, I saw this.

Comments at Huffington Post (I read it. A know your enemy kind of thing...) seemed to focus on how sad it was that the Palestinian Zoo couldn't afford a real zebra. As usual, Arianna misses the point.

"Smuggling wildlife into Gaza came to international attention in March 2007 when EU officials...caught a woman trying to sneak in three live crocodiles. The toothy reptiles, each about 16 inches long, were taped to the woman beneath a loose fitting robe. The woman, who came under suspicion for appearing inordinately fat..."

Too bad she didn't use the Rowing Exerciser.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

October Update

It’s been a while since I wrote, so I thought to drop a quick little update on September, my second month in the UAE. The short version:

1) Spent three 8 hour days dealing with the UAE DMV. You think the DMV is rough in the US, try explaining to an Emirati woman sitting behind a desk (while mostly talking with her friends instead of the customers…I know, not much different than the US in that respect) why “None” on a US Driver’s License can actually grant permission for someone to drive a car in the US.

Still, after 3 days, I have a Driver’s License in the UAE. Glad they're so strict about licensing, given the clown cars on the roads here.

2) It only took 2 months to get my UAE residence permit. I’m now officially an expat. Just in time for the World Series, real (read: American. Mostly NCAA, but I appreciate the NFL) football, and Fall. It was 108 today. 108. In October? That’s just silly.

3) I imported my bimmer into the UAE. Got it through customs by myself. Apparently, my Arabic isn’t as bad as I thought. It only took me 5 hours to work that magic.

4) RE: my poor Arabic. While driving to church on Friday, I was listening to the BBC in Arabic. “Blah, blah, blah, Obama, blah, blah, blah, Nobel Prize.” Stupified, I turned to my wife and said, “There’s no way I heard that right.” Then flipped to the English side of the radio dial and heard a Brit talking about how “Obama hasn’t really DONE anything to promote peace. He hasn’t closed Gitmo, troops are still in Iraq, he’s sending more to Afghanistan (bmw comment: maybe…), and the Russians are still doing a bit of nuclear knocking on Eastern Europe's door."


Yet somehow 5 retired (and mostly useless) Parliamentarians in Norway (which collects nearly 50% of it’s GDP through taxes, by the way) think the One deserves to join the illustrious ranks of Yassir Arafat, Jimmy Carter, and Al Gore.

5) I'm spending a lot of time in the desert. Last week, I had to stay here. So, Kimberly came down for a night and I took a picture of her on the beach. I'm leaning toward the color version, though the black and white (especially a larger version) looks pretty good too. Either way, I'm a lucky man.

Think that about covers it. Oh, and it's my birthday next case you wanted to get me a ticket to come to the US to celebrate...