Sunday, August 9, 2009


Arabic word o' the day: I arrived.

So much to write about, so little time.

Given that, I'll start with the randomness that is the Middle East. Try as I might, I could not find appropriate links to prove that this actually happened. But, while listening to Dubai Radio 2 (which apparently doesn't have it's own internet site) I heard a few interesting tidbits.

1) A truck overturned on the Abu Dhabi-Dubai freeway. It happens fairly regularly, even though the drivers here are MUCH better than they were in Saudi. It's still the Indy 500 with lorries (that's the everybody-but-Americans word for tractor trailer trucks) on the same road. So, there are accidents.

The surprise, then, came not from the accident, but rather what spilled off the truck when it overturned.

Yep. Everybody's favorite breakfast drink. Did you even know that stuff was still on the market? It's in full force here.

2) Dubai Radio 2 is all about Classic Hits.

I wonder, however, as to when the Backstreet Boys became Classic...

Tang and a little washed up Boy Band action. There's no accounting for good taste.

More next time on Sas al-Nakhl, al-Raha Gardens, Golf Gardens, and the ridiculous housing prices in this fair land.

See you next time.